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Writer's pictureThabo Pitse

Coach's Corner

Updated: Aug 18, 2021

Entrepreneurs' Weekly Update – 23 August 2021

Tenacity and Endurance

Holding on until the end. That is what separates the champions and losers. During your ActionVITALITY MentorCLUB session, I spoke about the importance of enduring till the end. With the business school academic portion of the course coming up, I want to reiterate what I stated:

Our keynote speaker Dr. James Fortein did a phenomenal job during the MentorCLUB session. His life tells a story of tenacity and endurance and it is because of these qualities that he is not just a doctor, his journey in medicine and in business is compelling, he has walked a journey that others can aspire to. I want you to look at his narrative and ask yourself one question; are you just doing business, just trading, or are you creating a story? Can people think of your business and think of an impactful inspiring story? Do people want to become like you? What story does your business tell? A story of endurance, of courage, of perseverance? And how do we test and measure these attributes?

Before we can even look at your business, let’s start with you. If you want to grow your business you need to grow yourself. As I like to say, your business can only grow to the level of your incompetence. Let’s be honest, becoming that inspirational person requires: discipline, tenacity, and perseverance. So, do you possess these qualities? As one of the top 50 most promising ICT entrepreneurs in South Africa, I know you do. Over the next few weeks, you will be tackling a mountainous task in the form of the academic portion of the course, no matter what happens just keep your eyes on the prize. I know that you are resilient and I’d like to encourage you to stay focused on the main prize: walking down the yellow carpet, looking your best, learning from and engaging with one of Africa’s greatest success stories Vusi Thembekwayo himself, and holding in your hands; a R 100 000 cheque as you hear the crowd applaud you. That is your victory, your gold medal, your moment. Don’t let anything get in the way of that.

We are here to encourage you and help you reach the finish line. A university-accredited certificate from the University of the Free State is no small feat. Our EBL team will walk the journey with you, they will be attending your UFS sessions with you, we will still see you in our webinars and we are only a phone call away. If you have any hesitations or moments where you feel overwhelmed, let us know. Entrepreneurship can be a lonely arduous journey, as your coach I know this first hand, I am first and foremost an entrepreneur myself. I have walked a mile in your shoes and am still walking the journey. We face more or less the same challenges. Remember that: With great power comes great responsibility.

In closing, I want to say this: you are an entrepreneur, a go-getter, innovator, pioneer, and WINNER. You are the “moreki” of the nation, a nation builder. The next few weeks are going to be exciting. As your coach, I look forward to your victory because when you win, I win.

ActionCOACH Thabo Pitse

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